Furrow In Neurasthenic Joint Inflammation

Section: Articles Published Date: 2021-11-18 Pages: 167-169 Conference Proceedings Volume: SCIENCE, EDUCATION, INNOVATION IN THE MODERN WORLD


  • Prakash Patni Professor and Head, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery RajaRajeswari Medical College & Hospital, Bengaluru Karnataka, India


Patients with neurasthenic joint inflammation have been alluded to Division of Human Hereditary qualities for guiding. Subjective Furrow involving unique mark design, interdigital design, hypothenar design and palmar wrinkle were contemplated on 26 female and 11 male neurasthenic joint pain patients. Examination between understanding male and control male; and patient female and control female has been finished. 'Chi' square test was performed. In male patients, with hands together, curves were expanded, circles/whorls were diminished. Fractional Simian wrinkle was essentially expanded. In the right hand, designs were expanded in the third interdigital region. Then again, in female patients there was a huge expansion in whorls and decline in circles on the primary finger on both the hands, expansion in curves on the third finger; the two curves and whorls on the fourth finger of left hand. Present review has stressed that Furrow could be applied as a symptomatic device to patients with neurasthenic joint inflammation.


Neurasthenic joint pain, Furrow, Palmar wrinkle, Simian wrinkle