Scientific and Current Research Conferences2024-12-20T18:14:54+00:00International Scientific and Current Research Conferencesinfo@orientalpublication.comOpen Journal Systems<p>International Scientific and Current Research Conferences</p> PEDAGOGICAL TOLERANCE: INTEGRATING THEORETICAL MODELS AND PRACTICAL STRATEGIES IN TEACHER EDUCATION2024-09-23T09:03:04+00:00Umarova<p>This article explores the development and enhancement of pedagogical tolerance among future educators, with a focus on English language teaching. Pedagogical tolerance is conceptualized as the ability of teachers to foster a respectful, inclusive, and supportive learning environment for students from diverse backgrounds.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Umarova S.S. FEATURES OF THE LISTENING LEARNING PROCESS IN TEACHING MUSIC THEORY2024-10-05T05:39:31+00:00Xadjabekov<p>This study explores the specific features of the listening learning process in teaching music theory, emphasizing its role in enhancing aural skills and theoretical understanding. Through active listening, structured repetition, and reflective practices, students significantly improved their ability to analyze musical elements. The integration of diverse genres and technology enriched the learning experience, while collaborative discussions fostered deeper insights. Reflective journaling promoted metacognition, encouraging students to track their progress. Overall, the findings underscore the effectiveness of a holistic approach to music education, bridging the gap between theory and practice and cultivating confident, skilled musicians.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Xadjabekov Azizbek AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION BASED ON NATIONAL UPBRINGING2024-10-25T06:55:39+00:00Mаmаtkulоv Mirzаоlim Hаydаrаliyеviс<p>This article explores the training and professional development of physical education teachers within the context of national education systems. The focus is on strategies that enhance the knowledge, skills, and competencies of educators, aligning with national education goals and standards. The role of continuous professional development, innovative training methods, and the integration of national values in physical education are discussed.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mаmаtkulоv Mirzаоlim Hаydаrаliyеviсh COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SEMANTIC AND PRAGMATIC FEATURES OF INTERFIXED UNITS IN PEDAGOGICAL DISCOURSE IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES2024-11-10T04:09:24+00:00Berdiyev<p>This study compares the semantic and pragmatic features of interfixed units in English and Uzbek within pedagogical discourse. Interfixed units, integral to effective communication in educational contexts, are critical in conveying nuanced meanings, facilitating teacher-student interactions, and supporting knowledge transmission. By examining their use across English and Uzbek, this research aims to uncover the cultural and linguistic factors that shape the semantics of these units and influence their pragmatic function in teaching settings. The findings provide insights into the cultural and linguistic distinctions between English and Uzbek educational discourse, offering implications for bilingual education and cross-linguistic understanding.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Berdiyev S.SЕTHODS FOR DЕVЕLOРING АNАLYTIСАL SKILLS FOR STUDЕNTS THROUGH MЕDIА LITЕRАСY IN TЕАСHING РHILOSOРHY2024-11-21T18:41:39+00:00Аbdukhоlikоvа Nаsibа Аlijоnоvnаadukhоlikоvа<p>In аn еrа whеrе informаtion is аbundаnt аnd vаriеd, dеvеloрing аnаlytiсаl skills аmong studеnts is еssеntiаl, раrtiсulаrly within thе frаmеwork of рhilosoрhy еduсаtion. Mеdiа litеrасy, аs аn еduсаtionаl аррroасh, holds signifiсаnt рotеntiаl in сultivаting сritiсаl аnd аnаlytiсаl thinking аbilitiеs by еnаbling studеnts to nаvigаtе, intеrрrеt, аnd сritiсаlly аssеss сomрlеx mеdiа mеssаgеs. This аrtiсlе еxрlorеs mеthods for intеgrаting mеdiа litеrасy into рhilosoрhy tеасhing to strеngthеn studеnts’ аnаlytiсаl skills. Kеy tесhniquеs inсludе struсturеd аnаlysis of mеdiа tеxts, сritiсаl disсussions, сomраrison of рhilosoрhiсаl thеmеs in mеdiа, аnd thе usе of digitаl tools for сollаborаtivе аnаlysis. Thеsе mеthods аlign with thе goаls of рhilosoрhy еduсаtion, fostеring dеереr еngаgеmеnt with рhilosoрhiсаl quеstions аnd еnhаnсing studеnts' сарасity for indереndеnt сritiсаl thinking.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Аbdukhоlikоvа Nаsibа Аlijоnоvnа APPROACHES OF DIAGNOSTICS METHODS OF FRONTITIS2024-09-02T05:56:58+00:00Sh.A. Shadmanov Mamadiyorov@orientalpublication.comJ.A.<p>Inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses (PNS) are the most common among the upper respiratory tract pathologies and account for 87% of all visits to an otolaryngologist. In recent years, there has been an increase in this group of diseases, despite new methods of diagnosis and treatment. In the Russian Federation, about 10 million people suffer from acute rhinosinusitis (RS) annually. Among RS, frontal sinusitis occupies a significant place, which can manifest itself in edematous infiltrative or exudative forms and be aggravated by orbital and intracranial complications.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sh.A. Shadmanov , J.A. Djuraev OF MORPHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS OF THE NASAL CAVITY MUCOSA AFTER VARIOUS SURGICAL PROCEDURES2024-09-25T11:00:44+00:00N.N. AbdullaevaSuleymanova@orientalpublication.comKh.<p>A significant deviation of the nasal septum is one of the most common local factors that accompanies PN pathology and requires single-stage surgical correction with other anatomical structures. The nasal septum, consisting of the anterior cartilaginous and posterior bone segments, is one of the anatomical structures that occupy a central position in the nasal cavity. The bony part of the septum consists of a perpendicular ethmoidal bone graft and the vomer, while the cartilaginous part consists of a rectangular cartilage. Deformation of the nasal septum causes hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates, vasomotor changes, creates conditions for the development of acute rhinitis and the formation of chronic rhinitis and sinusitis.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 N.N. Abdullaeva, Kh. Khabibullaev AND NUMERICAL MODELS OF THE DEFORMATION PROCESS2024-10-12T20:34:08+00:00Alisherov Akramboy<p>The deformation process of materials under external forces is a fundamental aspect of solid mechanics and engineering. Understanding the behavior of materials during deformation is essential for predicting failure, improving design, and optimizing performance across various industries. This article reviews the mathematical and numerical models used to describe the deformation process, focusing on continuum mechanics, material constitutive laws, finite element analysis (FEA), and other computational methods. The integration of these models in modern engineering tools and their application to real-world problems is also discussed.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alisherov Akramboy Alisherovich CHARACTERISTICS OF FAMILY EDUCATION TERMS2024-11-06T11:38:10+00:00Melikova<p>This article analyzes the lexical and pragmatic features of terms related to family education. Terms in the field of family education are important in the socialization of a person, in the formation of moral values, and their expression through language reflects the customs and cultural values of society. The article examines the lexical-semantic structure of terms related to family education and their communicative roles in society. At the same time, the cultural connotations of these terms and their pragmatic significance are also considered.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Melikova Gavhar ROLE OF MODERN TRENDS IN THE REBRANDING OF MUSEUMS OF<p>This article analyzes issues related to the creation of a museum brand. Also, when creating the museum logo, factual materials related to the symbolism of colors and shapes were taken into account.</p>2024-11-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 L.T.Jabbarova CONTRIBUTION OF THE PEOPLE OF GALLAOROL DISTRICT BEHIND THE FRONT DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR2024-12-19T13:07:07+00:00Pardaev jaloliddin akhrorkul<p>In this article, during the Second World War, the selfless work of the people of Gallaorol district, which was part of the Samarkand region, behind the front was analyzed based on archival materials and written scientific sources. The article highlights the humanitarian and tolerant qualities of the people of Gallaorol in receiving the food, clothing, and material funds sent to the front, as well as the population evacuated from the war zones.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pardaev jaloliddin akhrorkul ugli OF GIVING NATIONAL MENTALITY IN LITERARY TRANSLATION2024-09-19T13:17:10+00:00Sadinov Oybek Ziyot o'g'<p>Literary translation plays a crucial role in fostering intercultural communication by introducing one nation's literary and cultural heritage to another. However, one of the most challenging aspects of this process is conveying the national mentality of the source culture. The complexity arises from differences in worldview, traditions, social norms, and linguistic structures. This paper explores the various problems encountered in reflecting national mentality in literary translation, analyzing how language, cultural allusions, idiomatic expressions, and socio-historical contexts contribute to the difficulties. The study proposes strategies and solutions to overcome these challenges, highlighting the importance of cultural sensitivity, linguistic creativity, and collaboration between translators and cultural experts.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sadinov Oybek Ziyot o'g'li CODE-SWITCHING PATTERNS IN BILINGUAL AND MULTILINGUAL CONTEXTS2024-10-03T06:29:50+00:00Mushtariy<p>This article explores the phenomenon of code-switching, focusing on its patterns and functions in bilingual and multilingual contexts. Code-switching, the practice of alternating between languages within conversations, serves as a key linguistic tool influenced by social, cognitive, and cultural factors. The study examines different types of code-switching, including intersentential, intrasentential, and tag-switching, and highlights the factors that drive these switches, such as social context, cognitive load, linguistic competence, and cultural identity. Additionally, the article investigates how code-switching operates in specific environments like education, workplace communication, and media. The findings suggest that code-switching is not merely a linguistic anomaly but a reflection of speakers' ability to fluidly integrate multiple languages to express complex ideas, cultural identities, and social relationships. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of linguistic adaptability and has broader implications for language policy, education, and social identity in diverse communities.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mushtariy Rashidova SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE KOKAN KHANATE IN THE 18TH-19TH CENTURIES2024-10-15T07:32:47+00:00Temurbek<p>This article examines the socio-economic situation of the Kokan Khanate during the 18th and 19th centuries, highlighting its agricultural productivity, trade dynamics, and social hierarchy. The khanate thrived on fertile lands, facilitating robust trade along Silk Road routes, particularly in textiles and agricultural products. However, a rigid social structure limited mobility for the peasant majority. Internal strife among the nobility and external pressures from the Russian Empire ultimately destabilized the khanate, leading to its decline. This analysis underscores the intricate interplay between socio-economic factors and cultural developments that shaped the Kokan Khanate's legacy in Central Asian history.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Temurbek Ochilov TYPOLOGY OF BUSINESS LETTERS IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK BUSINESS COMMUNICATION2024-11-09T13:13:58+00:00Qodirova Mukaddas Tog‘<p>This article examines the typology of business letters in English and Uzbek. Through comparative analysis, the lexical and stylistic differences of each language are identified, as well as the impact of cultural factors. The research findings highlight the unique aspects of the business letter writing culture and important elements for enhancing communication effectiveness.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Qodirova Mukaddas Tog‘AyevnaОLLАBОRАTIVЕ PRОGRАMS WITH ЕXPЕRIЕNCЕD TRАINЕRS WHО SHОW FUTURЕ TЕАCHЕRS А HIGH LЕVЕL ОF ОRАL SPЕЕCH CULTURЕ2024-11-21T13:41:24+00:00Kоdirоvа Zulfiyа Kаrimоvnаkоdirоvа<p>Cоllаbоrаtivе prоgrаms with еxpеriеncеd trаinеrs plаy а cruciаl rоlе in thе prоfеssiоnаl dеvеlоpmеnt оf futurе tеаchеrs, pаrticulаrly in еnhаncing thеir оrаl spееch culturе. Thеsе prоgrаms оffеr аn immеrsivе lеаrning еnvirоnmеnt whеrе tеаchеr trаinееs cаn оbsеrvе, intеrаct with, аnd lеаrn frоm sеаsоnеd еducаtоrs whо dеmоnstrаtе аdvаncеd cоmmunicаtiоn skills. This аrticlе еxplоrеs thе structurе аnd significаncе оf cоllаbоrаtivе prоgrаms thаt fоcus оn еlеvаting thе оrаl spееch culturе оf futurе tеаchеrs. Thе prоgrаms еmphаsizе mеntоrship, аctivе pаrticipаtiоn, аnd cоntinuоus fееdbаck, which cоllеctivеly cоntributе tо thе rеfinеmеnt оf trаinееs' vеrbаl cоmmunicаtiоn, tеаching mеthоdоlоgiеs, аnd clаssrооm mаnаgеmеnt аbilitiеs.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kоdirоvа Zulfiyа Kаrimоvnа OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS BY MEANS OF EDUCATIONAL PARADIGMS BASED ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AS A PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM2024-08-21T12:19:13+00:00Ochilov Faxriddin Muxammad O'g'<p>The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into educational paradigms has become increasingly significant in enhancing the professional competence of students. This article explores the pedagogical implications and challenges associated with the use of AI in developing professional competencies. It discusses the theoretical foundations of AI-based educational paradigms, the role of AI in personalized learning, and the potential barriers to effective implementation. The article concludes with recommendations for educators and policymakers to optimize AI's role in fostering professional competence in students.</p>2024-08-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ochilov Faxriddin Muxammad O'g'li AS A FACTOR OF INDEPENDENT WORK2024-09-24T10:29:30+00:00Khurshida Pardaeva<p>The article examines SMART-education as a factor in the implementation of students' independent work in credit-module conditions , as well as analyzing and defining the main concepts of SMART education and showing the relationship between these concepts. Three important aspects of SMART education are highlighted: organizational, technological and pedagogical. The concept of SMART education is currently associated with a number of concepts, many of which do not have the same interpretation. The first pedagogical component of the SMART education structure is SMART education, which consists of 2 different systems: SMART environment; SMART University. A SMART environment can be formed inside and outside the university, we focus on the SMART environment that manifests itself within the university. SMART University consists of three parts: SMART-campus , SMART-teachers , SMART-students. Since all three components are SMART, they must meet strict requirements. Formation of students' ability to work independently is one of the important requirements of SMART education. The SMART education concept is aimed at providing the highest level of knowledge and skills, allowing graduates to prepare competitive specialists, primarily for higher education institutions.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Khurshida Pardaeva TEACHING MATERIALS FOR MULTILEVEL LEARNERS2024-10-12T20:28:17+00:00Vaisova Sumbul Zaripboy<p>Teaching materials play a great role in teaching process, as learners attempt to recognize whole topic through these materials. Therefore, teaching materials should be chosen carefully for learners. At first, their learning strategies, methods and learning types should be discussed.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Vaisova Sumbul Zaripboy qizi OF TREATMENT OF CHILDREN IN DENTISTRY2024-11-02T15:22:07+00:00Yoldosheva Zilola Guvtali'<p>In modern medicine, pediatric dentistry is a separate area. It includes prevention and treatment of not only erupted baby teeth, but also their rudiments. The specialist also deals with diseases and anomalies of the oral cavity.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yoldosheva Zilola Guvtali's ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPT OF THE PERFECT MAN IN SUFISM: AZIZ NASAFI, GHAZALI AND RUMI2024-11-11T12:47:11+00:00Jasurbek<p>This article provides a comparative analysis of the concept of the perfect man (al-insan al-kamil) in Sufism, examining the interpretations of three influential Sufi thinkers: Aziz Nasafi, Ghazali, and Rumi. The perfect man represents the ultimate spiritual ideal in Sufi philosophy, embodying virtues and qualities that signify closeness to the divine. Each scholar—Nasafi, known for his systematic theological approach; Ghazali, renowned for his synthesis of theology and mysticism; and Rumi, celebrated for his poetic expression—offers unique insights into the nature and significance of the perfect man within Islamic mysticism. This comparative study explores their perspectives, highlighting both convergences and divergences in their understanding of spiritual perfection.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jasurbek Abdullayev METHODS OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FOR BLIND CHILDREN2024-12-07T08:42:28+00:00Zukhra<p>This article explores innovative teaching methods tailored to educational institutions for blind and visually impaired children, emphasizing inclusive pedagogy and accessibility. The study examines various approaches, including tactile learning tools, audio-based instruction, and adaptive technology integration, that address the unique needs of blind students. It highlights the role of Braille literacy, sensory development activities, and assistive devices in enhancing cognitive and social skills. The article also discusses teacher training programs, curriculum adaptation, and the importance of fostering an inclusive classroom environment. Findings from case studies and expert recommendations underscore the effectiveness of these methods in improving academic outcomes and overall development. The research concludes with practical suggestions for policymakers and educators to enhance the quality of education for blind children, ensuring their full participation in society.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zukhra Kabulova ASSESSMENTS OF ENGLISH-SPEAKING RESEARCHERS ON ADMINISTRATION OF THE FIRST TURKESTAN GENERAL-GOVERNOR K.P VON KAUFMAN2024-09-16T10:31:58+00:00Tursunmetov A. A<p>The article discusses the internal policy of the empire in Turkestan, which is assessed as unsuccessful, ineffective or repressive by both Uzbek and foreign authors [1] There have been presented researchers' assessments of the problem in establishing general imperial norms in the legal regulation of the life of the Turkestan General-Governorate.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tursunmetov A. A LIFE IN THE SUGDH OASIS2024-10-01T12:52:02+00:00Muradov<p>In this article, socio-economic life in the Sughd oasis during the period of the West Turkic Khanate is analyzed based on historical sources and scientific literature.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Shamshiyeva Saodat Saydumarjon Qizi ROLE OF NATIONAL DISHES AND CULINARY TRADITIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF GASTRONOMIC TOURISM2024-10-14T08:17:14+00:00Ozodbek<p>This article highlights the role of national dishes and cooking traditions in the development of gastronomic tourism, and reflects the state of gastronomic tourism in Jizzakh, Samarkand, Navoi regions.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ozodbek Nematov GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS AND CORE PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING COLLOCATION SKILLS IN THE FORMATION OF ENGLISH SPEECH2024-11-08T14:52:28+00:00Alimov Jamshid<p>This article delves into the essential role of collocation skills in the development of English language proficiency. Collocations, defined as natural word pairings commonly used by native speakers, are crucial for achieving fluency, coherence, and authenticity in both spoken and written English. The article outlines the significance of collocation in language acquisition, categorizing various types such as verb-noun, adjective-noun, and verb-preposition collocations. It further explores the characteristics of effective collocation instruction, emphasizing contextualized learning, the importance of frequency and naturalness, and the integration of these skills into communicative practice. The core principles of teaching collocations include focusing on high-frequency word combinations, ensuring lexical and syntactic appropriateness, and promoting metacognitive awareness in learners. Additionally, the article discusses task-based learning and the use of technology to enhance collocation acquisition. Overall, the article serves as a comprehensive guide for language educators seeking to improve their students' collocational competence and fluency.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alimov Jamshid RavshanovichЕСHNIQUЕS FОR ЕVАLUАTING TЕXT SKILLS IN TЕАСHING АСTIVITIЕS 2024-11-21T13:35:56+00:00Khоjаеvа Mаlikаkhon Nosirjon kizikhоjаеvа<p>Еvаluаting tеxt skills in tеасhing асtivitiеs is еssеntiаl fоr аssеssing studеnts’ соmрrеhеnsiоn, аnаlytiсаl thinking, аnd рrоduсtivе аbilitiеs in tеxt-bаsеd tаsks. This аrtiсlе оutlinеs еffесtivе tесhniquеs fоr еvаluаting tеxtuаl skills, fосusing оn mеthоds thаt рrоvidе insight intо studеnts’ undеrstаnding аnd еngаgеmеnt with tеxts. Thеsе tесhniquеs inсludе fоrmаtivе аssеssmеnts likе quizzеs аnd disсussiоns, summаtivе аssеssmеnts suсh аs еssаys аnd rероrts, аnd аltеrnаtivе аssеssmеnts likе рееr rеviеws аnd digitаl роrtfоliоs. By intеgrаting thеsе mеthоds intо tеасhing, еduсаtоrs саn рrоvidе mоrе tаrgеtеd fееdbасk, suрроrt studеnts’ tеxtuаl skill dеvеlорmеnt, аnd еnhаnсе оvеrаll lеаrning оutсоmеs.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Khоjаеvа Mаlikаkhon Nosirjon kizi, COMPARATIVE-CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPTS OF PATRIOTISM AND STATELESSNESS2024-08-21T12:06:17+00:00Rahmonov Abrorbek<p>Patriotism and statelessness represent two diametrically opposed concepts in the socio-philosophical discourse. While patriotism is often associated with a deep-seated loyalty to one's nation, statelessness represents the absence of national identity and the rights associated with citizenship. This article aims to provide a comparative-critical analysis of these concepts, examining their social and philosophical underpinnings, implications, and the role they play in shaping individual and collective identities.</p>2024-08-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmonov Abrorbek Rustamovich ACTIVITY OF NAMANGAN REGION DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR2024-09-24T10:11:28+00:00Khasanov<p>The article covered the fact that during the years of World War II, residents of the Namangan region worked behind the front, sent weapons, ammunition, food and other things, collected money and various valuable items for the Defense Fund and handed over to the front-line Assistance Fund, collected funds from the population for the construction of tanks and aircraft, as well as materially supported families.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Khasanov Bunyod OF THE PROBLEM OF CREATIVE ABILITIES IN PEDAGOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SOURCES2024-10-12T11:39:24+00:00Toshboyeva Saidaxon<p>The readiness of future teachers for creative activity can only be realized if the educational process of higher educational institutions provides a step-by-step education that reflects the mastery of pedagogical theory, methods and methods of solving professional-pedagogical tasks in a unique way. . Only then will there be opportunities to organize the educational process with new methods and tools, to introduce non-standard approaches to productive activities with students.</p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Toshboyeva Saidaxon Raxmonberdiyevna PACKET FILTERING USING MACHINE LEARNING METHODS2024-10-25T09:20:38+00:00Sarvar Norboboyevich<p>Machine learning methods offer new opportunities for dynamic packet filtering in network security, allowing for more efficient and intelligent decision-making in filtering processes. Traditional packet filtering techniques often rely on static rules, which may not adequately respond to evolving threats or adapt to changing network conditions. Machine learning approaches enable the filtering system to learn from traffic patterns, identify anomalies, and improve filtering accuracy over time.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sarvar Norboboyevich Tashev TECHNOLOGY TO SUPPORT COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING2024-11-11T12:06:14+00:00Yakubova<p>This article explores the role of technology in enhancing Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), a method focused on interaction as both the means and goal of language learning. By integrating digital tools, educators can foster a more interactive, immersive, and engaging environment for language learners. Technology offers a range of resources—from online platforms and language apps to social media and virtual simulations—that enable real-time communication, collaboration, and cultural exchange. This paper discusses the benefits, challenges, and future prospects of using technology in CLT and offers practical recommendations for teachers aiming to incorporate digital resources into their instructional practices. The study concludes that while technology can significantly bolster CLT, educators should be mindful of ensuring that technological use aligns with CLT’s core principles to achieve meaningful learning outcomes.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yakubova Mashhura PREDICTORS OF CARDIOVASCULAR RISKS IN MILITARY WITH ACUTE ABDOMINAL PATHOLOGY2024-12-02T06:14:18+00:00Farida<p>This study investigates the primary predictors associated with the development of cardiovascular complications in military personnel suffering from intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) within the context of acute abdominal pathology. Military service members often face unique physiological and environmental stressors, increasing their susceptibility to severe complications. Key predictors, including the severity of IAH, systemic inflammatory response, and comorbid conditions, were analyzed. The findings reveal that early identification and management of these predictors can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications. This research highlights the importance of tailored diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to improve outcomes for military personnel with IAH.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Farida Azizova ISSUES IN UZBEK LINGUISTICS REGARDING ADVERBS2024-09-07T08:31:30+00:00Nodirbek Khabibullaev Nosirjon ogli<p>Idioms are among the words with complex content. The presence of aggregates in the composition causes their composition to be complicated. The question of the creation of words of this category has long been controversial in Uzbek linguistics. This article is devoted to these issues. The author has researched reliable sources of behaviour and presented his personal conclusions in this small study.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nodirbek Khabibullaev Nosirjon ogli CONCEPTOSPHERE OF IGNORANCE IN THE INTERPRETATION OF WORLD LINGUISTS2024-10-01T09:18:31+00:00Shamshiyeva Saodat Saydumarjon<p>The concept of ignorance holds a significant place within human cognition, impacting communication, learning, and social interaction. This article aims to explore the **conceptosphere** of ignorance as interpreted by world linguists. By analyzing the etymological, semantic, and cognitive aspects of ignorance across various languages and cultures, the paper highlights how linguistic interpretations shape our understanding of ignorance. The interdisciplinary approach combines insights from linguistics, cognitive science, and cultural studies to emphasize the global nuances surrounding ignorance in both individual and collective consciousness.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Shamshiyeva Saodat Saydumarjon Qizi APPROACHES OF ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS OF CYST MAXILLO-FACIAL SINUSES2024-10-13T10:44:02+00:00Mirzayev S.P.Suleymanova@orientalpublication.comJabborov N.N. Mamadiyorov@orientalpublication.comAkhmedov S.E.Qulboyeva@orientalpublication.comBotirov A.J.Qulboyeva@orientalpublication.comAbdullaev U.P.Qulboyeva@orientalpublication.comAkhundjanov<p>Upper jaw sinus cysts are a very common disease, often an accidental clinical find upon radiography and computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses. At the same time, there are few reports in the literature about the location of cysts in the frontal and ponal cavities. It is especially difficult to diagnose the cysts of the wedge-shaped cavity, as known radiographic arrangements do not allow them to be diagnosed. The problem of diagnosing paranasal sinus cysts was solved by implementing computed tomography into practice.</p>2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mirzayev S.P., Jabborov N.N. , Akhmedov S.E., Botirov A.J., Abdullaev U.P., Akhundjanov N.A. ACTIVITIES OF THE DIRECTORATE OF ART EXHIBITIONS OF UZBEKISTAN2024-11-08T14:45:56+00:00Zukhra<p>The main activity of the Art Exhibitions Directorate is the organization of exhibitions. Despite the large fund, exhibitions do not consist only of works from the fund, but are considered part of the exhibition activities of the Directorate. Since its establishment, the Directorate has provided organizations with interesting works of art and organized art exhibitions in cooperation with leading organizations.</p> <p>Exhibitions held from the time of its establishment (1959) until independence (1991) can be divided into several types. Important exhibitions of the Directorate include all-Union exhibitions, exhibitions from the series of artists of Uzbekistan and, of course, traveling exhibitions consisting of works stored in the fund.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zukhra Zainutdinova PR: A KEY MECHANISM FOR PROMOTING ENVIRONMENTAL CULTURE2024-11-21T13:30:12+00:00Gulyamova Muxtabar<p>Environmental public relations (PR) plays a pivotal role in fostering environmental awareness, education, and cultural transformation. This article explores the significance of Environmental PR as a mechanism for promoting environmental culture, analyzing its strategies, tools, and impacts. By leveraging effective communication, Environmental PR enhances public understanding and encourages sustainable practices, aligning individual and collective behaviors with ecological priorities.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gulyamova Muxtabar Abdujabbarovna AND ANALYSIS OF ACTION GAMES2024-12-20T18:14:54+00:00M.R.<p>In the selection of action games - it is necessary to pay attention to fun and useful games that stimulate physical activity for children and adults. This article examines the importance of action games, their health benefits, as well as their impact on children's development. Through games, children develop physical skills, actively participate in social communication and learn teamwork. The article also provides recommendations on the organization of action games and how to get the maximum benefit from them. The impact of modern technology and electronic gaming on action games is also discussed. Overall, the article focuses on highlighting the place and importance of action games in our lives.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 M.R. Ulugbekova FOUNDATIONS OF SOLVING LINEAR ALGEBRA PROBLEMS IN MATCAD2024-09-23T09:07:31+00:00Rabbimova<p>Linear algebra is a foundational subject in higher mathematics, crucial for many applied sciences, including engineering, physics, and computer science. The integration of technology, particularly MATCAD software, offers unique opportunities for enhancing the learning and problem-solving experience in this area. This article explores the pedagogical foundations of using MATCAD software to solve linear algebra problems. It focuses on the didactic advantages, the development of student competencies, and the potential for fostering deeper conceptual understanding through technology.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rabbimova Sevara ASPECTS OF MODERN UZBEK LITERATURE2024-10-10T07:49:17+00:00Ozoda<p>This study explores the specific aspects of modern Uzbek literature, focusing on its thematic diversity, prominent authors, and the socio-political context shaping contemporary narratives. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the research investigates key themes such as national identity, the legacy of the Soviet era, gender issues, and urbanization. Findings reveal that modern Uzbek literature serves as a critical reflection of societal changes, with a significant emphasis on cultural heritage and identity among both authors and readers. The emergence of female voices, represented by writers like Shahruzoda, highlights a shift towards inclusivity and the exploration of gender dynamics. Additionally, authors such as Jasur Murodov depict the complexities of urban life, illustrating the challenges of modernity while maintaining cultural roots. The research also emphasizes the impact of socio-political changes on literary expression, revealing how contemporary writers engage with historical narratives to address current issues. By analyzing both literary texts and author perspectives through interviews and focus groups, this study underscores the importance of modern Uzbek literature in fostering dialogue about identity, belonging, and social change. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the evolving literary landscape in Uzbekistan, showcasing the richness and resilience of its cultural expression in a globalized world. As contemporary writers continue to navigate the complexities of their environment, modern Uzbek literature emerges as a vital part of the national discourse, inspiring future generations and enriching the global literary community.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ozoda Zuparova OF STUDENTS' COGNITIVE ACTIVITY IN SCHOOL BIOLOGY EDUCATION2024-10-25T08:31:50+00:00Xonnazarova Saltanat To‘<p>This article explores strategies and methodologies for activating students' cognitive activity in school biology education. The study emphasizes the importance of engaging students through problem-solving, inquiry-based learning, and interactive teaching techniques to enhance their understanding and retention of biological concepts. The role of modern pedagogical tools, such as digital resources, experiments, and collaborative activities, is also highlighted as a means of fostering students' curiosity and deep cognitive engagement. The findings offer practical recommendations for teachers to create effective biology lessons that promote active learning.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Xonnazarova Saltanat To‘Lqinovna STRUCTURE OF VIRTUAL LABORATORY COMPLEXES2024-11-11T11:57:21+00:00Abdurakhmanov<p>This article presents the technical structure of conducting laboratory training in the field of "Automobile theory", which is considered the main basic science for the educational direction of transport engineering, in the context of the TechVLab program.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Abdurakhmanov Zokhidjon OF VIRTUAL LABORATORIES IN TECHNOLOGY CLASSROOMS PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF USE2024-11-22T13:16:38+00:00Yuldashova<p>This article talks about the use of virtual laboratories in technology education classes, its unique and effective aspects, conveniences in the process of applying the methodology of developing technological competencies in students.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yuldashova S.S OF ORAL SPEECH OF STUDENTS THROUGH PASSING A FAIRY TALE IN PRIMARY CLASS READING LESSONS2024-09-05T15:47:50+00:00Tilavova Gulchekhra<p>One of the reasons why the genre of fairy tales in folklore is well received and read by children is the impressiveness, sharpness, meaning and closeness of the language of fairy tales. Goes.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tilavova Gulchekhra Kholmanovna, Tilavova Gulchekhra Kholmanovna OF JOINT SURGICAL PROCEDURES IN NASAL CAVITY PATHOLOGIES2024-09-25T11:07:19+00:00N.N. AbdullaevaSuleymanova@orientalpublication.comKh.<p>Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses are the leading pathology of ENT organs, the causes of which are the widespread prevalence of viral respiratory tract injuries, the unfavorable environmental situation in many regions, a decrease in immunity, smoking, and the influence of harmful occupational factors. In addition, congenital or acquired anatomical changes, such as deformation of the nasal septum, hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates, polyps, adenoids, etc., play an important role in the pathogenesis of this pathology. Simultaneous operations (from English "simultaneous" - simultaneously) are complex surgical operations aimed at simultaneous surgical correction of two or more diseases of various organs in one or more anatomical areas. Simultaneous surgeries are particularly important in cases where there is a pathogenetic link between two surgical diseases.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 N.N. Abdullaeva AND LINGUOPRAGMATIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CATEGORY "RESPECT" IN ENGLISH2024-10-12T20:36:09+00:00Ataniyazova Sohiba<p>This article explores the lingo-cultural and linguopragmatic characteristics of the category "respect" in English. The concept of "respect" is fundamental to human interaction and plays a significant role in the cultural and social norms of communication. By analyzing the linguistic expressions, pragmatics, and cultural manifestations of "respect" in English-speaking societies, this article aims to provide insights into how respect is conceptualized, communicated, and interpreted. The research focuses on both the linguistic structures and cultural values that shape the pragmatic use of respect in various contexts.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ataniyazova Sohiba Ataboyevna ROLE OF THE HOLY ALLIANCE IN COUNTERING REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS IN EUROPE2024-11-07T07:40:06+00:00Axmadov<p>The Holy Alliance, formed in 1815 by Russia, Austria, and Prussia, played a pivotal role in shaping the political landscape of 19th-century Europe. Conceived as a coalition to suppress revolutionary and nationalist movements that threatened the conservative monarchical order, the Alliance sought to maintain the status quo in Europe following the Napoleonic Wars. This thesis examines the ideological motivations, key actions, and outcomes of the Holy Alliance's policies in Europe, focusing on how it intervened in states where revolutionary sentiment was rising. It delves into specific events, such as the revolts in Spain, Italy, and the German states, analyzing the Alliance's influence on these uprisings and the long-term implications for European stability. Through an exploration of primary sources and historical accounts, this thesis argues that while the Holy Alliance succeeded in temporarily preserving monarchical rule, it ultimately catalyzed the growth of nationalist and liberal movements, inadvertently setting the stage for future upheaval. This study contributes to a nuanced understanding of the complex dynamics between conservative and revolutionary forces in 19th-century Europe.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Axmadov Sherzod ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SIRDARYA REGION HISTORY AND CULTURE MUSEUM IN THE FORMER HOUSE OF ALIKSEVSKY2024-11-19T09:26:27+00:00F.N.<p>This article discusses the establishment of the Sirdarya region, the activities of museums related to cultural heritage sites, and the establishment and development of the Sirdarya Region History and Culture Museum, including thoughts and suggestions for further improvements. </p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 F.N. Turgunova OF DEVELOPMENT OF DIDACTIC COMPETENCE OF FUTURE HISTORY TEACHERS2024-12-19T13:23:48+00:00Lobar<p>The development of didactic competence is one of the important features that form a base for preparation of the future history teacher for solution of modern problems in education. This article outlines major problems on developing didactic competence of history teacher students, concerning integration of pedagogical theory and practical teaching skills. The study outlines that the main elements of didactic competence include lesson planning, effective use of teaching methods, and the ability to involve students in critical historical analysis. Challenges such as resistance to new educational technologies, interdisciplinarity, and different learning needs are discussed. The article also suggests some strategies to help improve the training process by enhancing practice-oriented learning, reflective teaching, and new assessment methods. Through it, the study aims at making a contribution toward securing a body of competent, adaptable history teachers who may bring out historical thinking and analytics among their students.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lobar Khujanova FACTORS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN UZBEKISTAN: A SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE2024-09-19T16:49:33+00:00Ziyoda<p>Human trafficking is a global issue that affects numerous countries, including Uzbekistan. This article examines the social factors contributing to human trafficking in Uzbekistan, focusing on economic vulnerability, migration patterns, cultural dynamics, and legal inadequacies. By analyzing the complex web of causes, this study offers a comprehensive overview of the societal challenges that exacerbate trafficking and proposes measures for prevention and protection of vulnerable populations.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ziyoda Farkhodova EDUCATION TRAJECTORIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS2024-10-05T05:19:37+00:00Nishonov, Farkhod<p>The article analyzes the need to introduce individual learning trajectories in higher education institutions and their role in the educational process. In the process of transition to person-oriented educational standards, the issues of individual characteristics of students and expansion of opportunities to choose the path of personal development are highlighted. The importance of socio-economic, individual-personal and motivational factors is studied in the process of creating individual educational trajectories. The article also discusses the importance of personalized learning trajectories in increasing students' motivation to study and facilitating personal development.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nishonov, Farkhod Musazhonovich METHODS OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES2024-10-15T10:02:00+00:00Oybek<p>This article explores modern methods of teaching foreign languages, highlighting approaches such as Communicative Language Teaching, Task-Based Language Teaching, and Content and Language Integrated Learning. Emphasizing active student engagement and practical communication skills, these methods leverage technology and authentic materials to enhance language acquisition. The study examines the effectiveness of these approaches, noting improvements in student proficiency and motivation. However, challenges such as classroom management and equitable access to technology are also addressed. Ultimately, the article advocates for ongoing teacher training and adaptation of methodologies to create inclusive and dynamic language learning environments in a globalized context.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Oybek Rashov PROBLEMS OF AFGHANISTAN AT THE END OF THE 19TH CENTURY - THE EARLY OF THE 20TH CENTURY2024-11-09T13:21:55+00:00Yulduz Akramova<p>XIX century the end of the 20th century in their heads Afghanistan state big countries for important strategic area as Russia empire and Great Britain by deep learn started First of all , Afghanistan internal and external issues intervention to strengthen tried . In this matter of Afghanistan army situation , arming and of the military knowledge potential about information collect and learning politics level rose . In this regard Russia empire by organize done expeditions , ambassador and general - governors to Afghanistan visit during collected open and confidential data very big important have Great Britain organize reached Ost - India company by many visits done is increased and of Afghanistan population , trade - sales and economic level about valuable data collected . Afghanistan the state is also the XIX century in the middle military to the matter big attention towards started this main reasons one Russia and Great Britain such as colonialist of states Central Asia to the state interest and pressing to get attempts was.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yulduz Akramova AND PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHES TO ENHANCING LEADERSHIP AUTOCOMPETENCE2024-11-21T13:43:23+00:00Normirzayev Farhodjon<p>Leadership autocompetence refers to an individual’s capacity for self-directed leadership development and the ability to lead oneself effectively. In an era characterized by rapid change and complexity, enhancing leadership autocompetence is vital for organizational resilience and innovation. This article explores various psychological and pedagogical approaches to bolster leadership autocompetence. The integration of these approaches highlights the importance of a holistic development strategy that addresses both the mind and practical skills. Challenges such as cultural differences, ethical considerations, and practical barriers are discussed. The article concludes with implications for leadership development practices and recommendations for future research, emphasizing the need for adaptable and self-motivated leaders in contemporary organizations.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Normirzayev Farhodjon Muminovich OF CREATIVITY IN THE SUBJECT OF "TECHNOLOGY" IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS2024-08-21T12:23:20+00:00Qurbonov Dilshod<p>The development of creativity is a crucial educational goal in modern pedagogy, particularly in the context of secondary school education. This article explores the role of the "Technology" subject in fostering creativity among students. By analyzing pedagogical approaches, instructional strategies, and the curriculum, this study aims to provide insights into how creativity can be effectively nurtured within the framework of "Technology" education.</p>2024-08-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Qurbonov Dilshod Xazratovich RISK FACTORS FOR THE EMERGENCE OF DIABETES MELLITUS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC2024-09-25T10:43:38+00:00Nodirjon F.<p>The COVID-19 pandemic has been associated with significant metabolic disturbances, including an increased incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM). This paper explores the critical risk factors contributing to the emergence of DM during the pandemic, emphasizing the role of both direct and indirect mechanisms. The interplay between viral infection, inflammatory responses, and disruptions to glucose homeostasis is examined, alongside the impact of lockdown measures on lifestyle behaviors such as physical activity, diet, and mental health. Additionally, the influence of pre-existing conditions, stress-induced hyperglycemia, corticosteroid treatments, and potential genetic predispositions are discussed. By identifying these risk factors, this study aims to provide insights into the prevention and management of DM in post-pandemic healthcare systems.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nodirjon F. Ruzimurodov ASPECTS OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN NAMANGAN REGION2024-10-12T20:32:08+00:00Mamajanov Ravshabjon Isroiljon<p>This article examines the specific aspects of tourism development in the Namangan region of Uzbekistan. Namangan, located in the fertile Fergana Valley, has significant potential for tourism growth due to its rich cultural heritage, natural landscapes, and traditional craftsmanship. The study explores the current state of tourism in the region, identifies unique attractions, and highlights opportunities and challenges for further development. Emphasis is placed on strategies for enhancing eco-tourism, promoting local traditions, and improving infrastructure. The article concludes with recommendations for sustainable tourism development that can boost the region's economy while preserving its cultural and natural resources.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mamajanov Ravshabjon Isroiljon ogli OF TEACHING UZBEK DANCES2024-11-02T15:26:37+00:00Muratova Sabohat<p>This article is about the uzbek dance training method. More broadly, it is argued that the process of mastering actions should be done on a scientific basis, as strict rules should be followed when errors are detected in the future so as not to teach repeatedly.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muratova Sabohat Choriyevna BABUR'S BATTLES OF PANIPAT AND SIKRI BY FOREIGN HISTORIANS SOME CONSIDERATIONS AND VICTORY FACTORS OPEN ISSUED2024-11-15T09:28:15+00:00Nurov<p>In the article, the great king and poet Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur's military battle art, especially his battles of Panipat and Sikri, the most important battles in the conquest of India, their winning factors are revealed. Also in the article about these battles some Indian and Europe of historians thought and comments too cited, sources compared with each other.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nurov Arslon HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF COTTON FARMING IN THE KARSHI STEPPE (1960-1980S)2024-12-15T10:12:10+00:00Asror<p>This study examines the historical development of cotton farming in the Karshi Steppe during the Soviet era, focusing on its profound and far-reaching consequences for other sectors of agriculture. The analysis highlights how the prioritisation of cotton production, driven by state policies and centralised planning, led to the marginalisation of alternative crops, reduced agricultural diversity, and caused significant environmental degradation in the region. The study also explores the socio-economic implications of these changes, including the impact on local livelihoods, water resource management, and soil fertility. By providing a comprehensive overview of the agricultural policies implemented during this period, the research underscores the long-term challenges faced by the Karshi Steppe due to an overemphasis on monoculture farming and the neglect of sustainable agricultural practices.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Asror Rakhimov FOUNDATIONS OF DEVELOPING SELF-CONFIDENCE2024-09-19T11:09:51+00:00A.<p>This article presents the psychological foundations of developing self-confidence through the analysis of one’s experiences, results, and emotions, identifying one’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as recognizing individual abilities.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 A. Daukeeva COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF MENASIVE SPEECH ACTS IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK AND THE CHALLENGES THEY PRESENT2024-10-02T10:51:48+00:00Shohsanamxon O'<p>This paper examines the complexities of menasive speech acts in English and Uzbek, highlighting the potential pitfalls and issues that arise from their contrasting cultural and linguistic underpinnings. The study analyzes the differences in directness, individualism versus collectivism, the use of figurative language, and the importance of relationship building in persuasion. Through a comparative analysis of examples and theoretical frameworks, the article argues that cultural and linguistic barriers can lead to misinterpretations, communication breakdowns, and strained relationships. The paper concludes with recommendations for overcoming these challenges and fostering effective cross-cultural communication in persuasive contexts.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Shohsanamxon O'rinova OF THE FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR FOR EUROPE2024-10-15T07:07:40+00:00Iroda<p>The Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) significantly reshaped Europe, leading to the unification of Germany and the decline of French power. The Treaty of Frankfurt resulted in France ceding Alsace and Lorraine, fostering a spirit of revanchism. Politically, the war catalyzed realignments in alliances, notably the Franco-Russian Alliance. Socially, it intensified nationalism in both nations, with Germany embracing militarism and France experiencing political instability exemplified by the Paris Commune. Economically, Germany benefited from industrial growth, while France faced challenges. These consequences laid the groundwork for the tensions that ultimately contributed to the outbreak of World War I.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Iroda Rakhimova HISTORY OF JUSTICE BODIES IN UZBEKISTAN: ADDRESSING POPULATION APPEALS DURING THE SOVIET PERIOD2024-11-09T13:04:41+00:00Bunyodbek<p>This study explores the activities of justice bodies in Uzbekistan during the Soviet period, focusing on how they addressed appeals from the population. It examines the mechanisms available for citizens to seek justice, including written petitions and local grievance committees, and highlights the systemic challenges they faced, such as bureaucratic inefficiency, corruption, and political repression. Case studies illustrate the limitations of the justice system, revealing a pervasive lack of accountability. The findings underscore the enduring legacy of this era on contemporary perceptions of justice in Uzbekistan, emphasizing the need for reform and the establishment of a more independent judiciary.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bunyodbek ShamsutdinovАRTIFIСIАL INTЕLLIGЕNСЕ-BАSЕD SIMULАTIОNS АND VIRTUАL СLАSSRООMS IN THЕ DЕVЕLОPMЕNT ОF TЕАСHING SKILLS2024-11-21T13:38:07+00:00Nоmоnkhоnоvа Muаttаrkhаn Nаsirkhаn qizinоmоnkhоnоvа<p>Thе intеgrаtiоn оf аrtifiсiаl intеlligеnсе (АI) intо еduсаtiоn hаs lеd tо signifiсаnt аdvаnсеmеnts in tеасhеr trаining, pаrtiсulаrly thrоugh АI-bаsеd simulаtiоns аnd virtuаl сlаssrооms. This аrtiсlе еxplоrеs thе rоlе оf АI-drivеn simulаtiоns аnd virtuаl еnvirоnmеnts in dеvеlоping tеасhing skills, prоviding аn in-dеpth аnаlysis оf thеir bеnеfits, сhаllеngеs, аnd impliсаtiоns. АI-bаsеd simulаtiоns оffеr rеаlistiс, risk-frее еnvirоnmеnts fоr prасtiсing сlаssrооm mаnаgеmеnt аnd instruсtiоnаl strаtеgiеs. Virtuаl сlаssrооms еnаblе tеасhеrs tо еngаgе with аdаptivе соntеnt аnd rесеivе rеаl-timе fееdbасk, еnhаnсing thеir pеdаgоgiсаl skills. Whilе thеsе tооls prеsеnt numеrоus аdvаntаgеs, suсh аs pеrsоnаlizеd lеаrning аnd sсаlаbility, thеy аlsо pоsе сhаllеngеs rеlаtеd tо tесhnоlоgy ассеss аnd thе lасk оf humаn intеrасtiоn.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nоmоnkhоnоvа Muаttаrkhаn Nаsirkhаn qizi OF CREATIVE SKILLS RELATED TO PROFESSIONS IN THE RESEARCH OF WORLD SCIENTISTS2024-08-21T12:14:54+00:00Egamqulov Maxmud<p>The development of creative skills is increasingly recognized as essential in various professional fields. This article reviews the contributions of global research towards understanding and enhancing creative skills in professional contexts. The analysis focuses on the methodologies employed by scientists across different disciplines, the factors influencing creative development, and the implications for education and industry. The findings underscore the importance of fostering creativity as a core competency in the modern workforce.</p>2024-08-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Egamqulov Maxmud Saidqulovich RELATIONS BETWEEN THE EMIRATE OF BUKHARA AND THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE DURING THE INVASION OF TURKESTAN: AN ANALYSIS OF THE HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE PERIOD OF INDEPENDENCE2024-09-24T10:20:40+00:00S.A. Hamraev<p>This article analyzes the level of study of the embassy relations during the time of the Russian Empire's invasion of the Bukhara Emirate and the ongoing military operations between the two countries. Also, the nature of negotiations during diplomatic relations and the approaches to it are highlighted.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 S.A. Hamraev IN DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES OF SENIOR STAFF IN TOP 1000 HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS2024-10-12T20:25:32+00:00Pardayev<p>Leadership competencies are crucial for the effective management and success of higher education institutions (HEIs). In top-ranked institutions, particularly those listed in the Top 1000 universities globally, the development of these competencies among senior staff plays a pivotal role in maintaining academic excellence, innovation, and organizational growth. This article explores the experiences, methodologies, and strategies employed by top-ranked HEIs in developing leadership competencies among senior staff. It examines key programs, initiatives, and outcomes, providing a framework for other institutions aiming to enhance their leadership capabilities.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pardayev Obid COMPETENCE IN ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF GROUP<p>The term organizational development (OD) has been in vogue for more than forty years, and consultants have intensified their activities since the 1990s. OD can be understood as an applied behavioral science and is described as the planned approach to change management that aims to maintain, as well as enhance, the effectiveness and health of the organization. Hence, it involves interventions undertaken in an organization to move the organization and its members from where they are to where they want to be. The purpose of planned OD interventions is to ensure changes to a recalibrated organization – that is, from negativism to positivity – and to see what is there instead of what is not there in the organization. The ultimate goal of the field is to improve the effectiveness, productivity, quality, and performance of individual and collective systems. This could happen from either a micro- or a macro-organizational perspective.</p> <p>The role of the OD consultant closely relates to the broad range of trends and challenges that are shaping organizations. The various types of consultants operate within different organizational levels, and they have been known as, for example, clinical therapists, managers, administrators, executive coaches, advisers, and indeed, also researchers. Hence, the impact each of them has on the client is, at least to some extent, defined by the role the consultant adopts and the area in which he or she is working within the client organization. Therefore, there seem to be certain competencies required for them to be successful interventionists and to develop the organization. Many high-cost interventions have not provided the results that companies expected initially. Therefore, it could be possible that transitions are not managed well, and corruption could have resulted in the shortage of profound experts in the fellowship.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 S.Z.Makhmudova EDUCATION AS PART OF GENERAL EDUCATION2024-11-11T12:11:04+00:00Tleumuratova Zulfiya<p>Aesthetic education is an important component of general education, playing a key role in the formation of a harmonious personality. It contributes not only to the development of aesthetic tastes but also to emotional maturity, creative abilities, and an increased level of cultural awareness. Incorporating aesthetic aspects into education enhances the perception of art, nature, as well as moral and ethical values. Aesthetic education is a vital tool in shaping spiritual culture, the ability for self-expression, and understanding the world through art.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tleumuratova Zulfiya Maksetovna OF THE ACTIVITY OF THE MUSIC AND DRAMA THEATER OF THE SYRDARYA REGION2024-12-04T10:00:33+00:00F. N. Turgunov<p>This article describes the history and activities of the Syrdarya region musical drama theater, as well as the performances staged in the theater over the years, as well as the activities of the actors who played in them.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 F. N. Turgunov IMPORTANCE OF LISTENING COMPREHENSION IN LEARNING ENGLISH2024-09-16T10:28:36+00:00Ozoda Khaydarova ozoda@orientalpublication.comSardor Kholmurodov<p>Listening comprehension is crucial in learning English, serving as the foundation for effective communication and language acquisition. This study highlights significant improvements in learners' comprehension skills through targeted listening activities and diverse audio materials. Participants demonstrated increased confidence and proficiency, particularly in navigating different accents and speech rates. The findings underscore the importance of incorporating varied listening exercises into language curricula to address common challenges and enhance overall communicative competence. Prioritizing listening comprehension not only accelerates language development but also prepares learners for successful interactions in English-speaking environments, fostering personal, academic, and professional growth.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ozoda Khaydarova , Sardor Kholmurodov IMPORTANCE OF INTEGRATIVE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN ACCELERATING THE PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS 2024-10-01T09:58:49+00:00Shodiev Muxiddin<p>Education can achieve its goals only when it is deeply connected with science, production, social life—in short, with real-life applications—and is fully integrated with internal and related sectors. A state that ensures the deep, continuous interaction between science, education, upbringing, and the economy, and applies it across all areas of society, is the one that achieves progress. In this regard, significant efforts are being made in the field of education in our country.</p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Shodiev Muxiddin Berdimuratovich CRISIS OF THE ARAL SEA AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE NATURAL GEOGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS OF UZBEKISTAN2024-10-14T03:49:10+00:00Qudratov Shahboz Mahmud O'g'<p>The environmental crisis of the Aral Sea, once one of the largest inland water bodies in the world, represents a significant ecological catastrophe. This article explores the historical context of the Aral Sea's desiccation, analyzing its consequences on the natural geographical conditions of Uzbekistan. The research examines how this crisis has reshaped the region’s climate, soil composition, biodiversity, and human health. Furthermore, it highlights the impact on local economies, particularly agriculture and fisheries, and evaluates national and international efforts to mitigate the damage.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Qudratov Shahboz Mahmud O'g'li TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS' WRITTEN AND ORAL SPEECH IN THE PRIMARY CLASS LITERACY TEACHING PROCESS2024-11-08T14:49:11+00:00Tilavova Gulchekhra<p>The article talks about the formation of oral and written speech, didactic games, and the integration of oral and written speech of students during the training of primary school specialists. goes.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tilavova Gulchekhra Kholmanovna AND CULTURAL IMAGERY IN ULUGBEK HAMDAM’S WORKS2024-11-21T13:33:49+00:00Babaxanov Laziz<p>Ulugbek Hamdam, a celebrated figure in modern Uzbek literature, is renowned for his use of rich symbolism and cultural imagery, which convey complex emotions, ideas, and cultural values. This article explores how Hamdam employs metaphorical language to infuse his poetry and prose with symbols drawn from Uzbek cultural heritage, spirituality, and social traditions. His work reflects an intricate layering of meanings that resonates with readers, illuminating aspects of identity, tradition, and national ethos. Through an analysis of Hamdam’s key works, this article seeks to uncover the role of symbolism and cultural imagery in his writing, exploring how these literary devices enhance thematic depth and connect his audience to a shared cultural consciousness. Ultimately, this study provides insights into how Hamdam’s literary artistry contributes to the preservation and evolution of Uzbek cultural identity.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Babaxanov Laziz Abdullaxanovich OF EXCLAMATION WORDS IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK2024-09-23T10:15:30+00:00G'ulomov Jamshidbek Islomjon O'g'<p>This paper explores the exclamation words in both English and Uzbek languages, focusing on their linguistic structure, use, and cultural implications. Exclamations, often used to express strong emotions such as surprise, anger, joy, or disbelief, vary significantly between languages due to cultural and linguistic differences. The study aims to provide a comparative analysis of exclamation words in English and Uzbek, highlighting their roles in communication, their grammatical properties, and their contextual applications. Through this analysis, we seek to gain insights into the commonalities and divergences in how speakers of these languages express emotions.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 G'ulomov Jamshidbek Islomjon O'g'li MAGIC HAT: AN EXPLORATION OF KHUDOYBERDI TUKHTABOEV’S TALE2024-10-10T08:00:21+00:00Inomjon<p>This analysis of Khudoyberdi Tukhtaboev’s "Magic Hat" explores the central theme of power and responsibility through the protagonist's journey. The narrative illustrates how magical abilities can lead to both positive and negative outcomes, emphasizing the importance of ethical decision-making. Tukhtaboev employs vivid imagery and rich phraseological forms, using the hat as a powerful symbol of choice and consequence. The story ultimately serves as a moral allegory, inviting readers to reflect on their values and the impact of their actions within a community. This exploration highlights the timeless relevance of Tukhtaboev’s work in addressing universal human experiences.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Inomjon Amirkulov BASES OF ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS’ KNOWLEDGE OF SPECIFIC SUBJECTS2024-10-25T09:04:37+00:00Elliyev Hamza<p>Analyzing concrete and methodological pedagogical literature in this article, we are convinced that control plays an important role in the teaching process, because it helps to identify and correct gaps in the study of concrete subjects program material, activates the learning activity of students, develops cognitive interest in science, improves the quality of education and upbringing.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Elliyev Hamza Quvvatovich PARTS AND PRACTICAL STATUS OF SPECIFIC COMPETENCES FOR FUTURE TEACHERS2024-11-11T12:02:04+00:00Yuldashev Sardorxan Rashitxon O‘G‘<p>In this article, the formation of theoretical knowledge and pedagogical possibilities of the structural structure of special competencies and the specific characteristics and role of its practical situation, the highest professional competence in the educational process, it is also about having creative, communicative, innovative, informational, methodical and psychological components.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yuldashev Sardorxan Rashitxon O‘G‘Li PERSPECTIVES ON THE STUDY OF STRESS IN THE MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES OF UZBEK SCHOLARS2024-11-27T07:32:00+00:00Zohiddin<p>The improvement of the current management system of the independent and rapidly developing new Uzbekistan to meet the demands of the time, as well as the creation of conditions to enhance the psychological literacy and knowledge of leadership personnel, is becoming an important issue for the development of society. The ideas presented in President Sh. Mirziyoyev's work titled "Critical analysis, strict discipline, and personal responsibility should be the daily rule for every leader" and government decisions reflect that this issue is considered a pressing problem today.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zohiddin Fayziev OF CREATIVE COMPETENCIES OF FUTURE BIOLOGY STUDENTS AS A PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM2024-09-05T15:53:33+00:00Kholmurodova Ozoda<p>some problems and solutions in improving the methodology of developing creative competencies of future biology teachers by solving problems and exercises from biology are described.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kholmurodova Ozoda Suvonkulovna CULTURE IS AN IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF ETHICAL CULTURE2024-09-30T03:06:00+00:00Charos<p>The article deals with the role and importance of the culture of interaction, which is one of the most important elements in the family.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Charos Mirzaeva IMPORTANCE OF BASIC LITERARY COMPETENCES2024-10-12T20:38:32+00:00Isabayeva Asida<p>The concept of literary competence encompasses the knowledge and skills required to comprehend, interpret, and appreciate literary texts. This article explores the importance of basic literary competences in the educational context and beyond. We will examine the role these competences play in fostering critical thinking, creativity, cultural understanding, and emotional intelligence. Moreover, the article will outline strategies for cultivating these competences in educational settings, emphasizing the need for an integrative approach to literature education. The significance of basic literary competences in today’s rapidly changing, media-saturated world will also be highlighted.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Isabayeva Asida Yusufjonovna PRINCIPLES AND LABOR RELATIONS: LEGAL AND SOCIAL INTERACTIONS2024-11-07T07:43:56+00:00Sattarov Shomurod<p>The dynamics of modern labor relations are shaped by the interplay of ethical principles, legal frameworks, and social interactions. This article explores the role of ethics in establishing harmonious labor relations, examines the legal structures that uphold these principles, and discusses the social implications of ethical practices in the workplace. By analyzing contemporary challenges and proposing actionable strategies, this article emphasizes the need for a balanced approach to fostering a fair and productive work environment.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sattarov Shomurod Zakirovich LEARNING: THE INNOVATIVE LEARNING METHOD OF THE FUTURE2024-11-21T03:03:39+00:00Haydarova Surayyo suleymanova@orientalpublication.comYusufov<p>This in the article the future education mobile education method , his advantages , disadvantages about word is conducted.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Haydarova Surayyo , Yusufov Jonibek TO PREVENT ADVERSE OUTCOMES OF ISCHEMIC STROKE IN PATIENTS WITH TYPE II DIABETES2024-12-19T16:29:47+00:00Muso Boltayevich Urinovurinov@orientalpublication.comXushnudjon Rashidovich<p>Ischemic stroke is a major health problem worldwide, especially in patients with Type II diabetes, who are prone to serious complications and poor health outcomes. The interaction between diabetes and ischemic stroke is a very important issue for medical researchers and healthcare professionals. This article follows the IMRAD structure in thoroughly analyzing some preventive strategies aimed at ensuring that diabetic patients do not fall prey to this enhanced vulnerability.</p> <p>The introduction outlines the pathophysiological relationship between diabetes and ischemic stroke, thus it requires very specific preventive strategies. Materials and Methods provide details about the research strategy adopted for selecting the studies concerned, the methods of analysis used, and the way in which the efficacy of preventive strategies has been evaluated. The results section highlights some key findings that early diagnosis, lifestyle modifications, pharmacological interventions, and continuous monitoring are important in reducing the incidence and severity of stroke-related complications in diabetic patients. Finally, the discussion places these findings within the wider healthcare landscape, highlighting the implications for clinical practice and public health policy.</p> <p>This study emphasizes that a multidisciplinary approach to prevention is urgently needed, with the involvement of healthcare providers, patients, and policymakers. The adverse outcomes of ischemic stroke in diabetic populations can be significantly mitigated by prioritizing timely diagnosis, promoting healthy lifestyle changes, optimizing the use of medications, and implementing continuous monitoring systems. This integrated approach not only improves patient outcomes but also reduces the overall healthcare burden associated with managing stroke-related disabilities and long-term complications.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muso Boltayevich Urinov, Xushnudjon Rashidovich Bobokulov