The Exposure Of The Suggestion Of Foolishness In Renewal Theoretical Music Contexts


aritmetization of proportions

How to Cite

Oscar Jo Ão Abdounur. (2021). The Exposure Of The Suggestion Of Foolishness In Renewal Theoretical Music Contexts. International Scientific and Current Research Conferences, 1(1), 42–43. Retrieved from


This paper means to think about the interrelationships among science and music with regards to
changes in the origination of music during the renewal. Western music created from depending on a
cosmological-numerical theoretical model, where consideration was centered around the levelheaded
action of hypothesis, to a numerical exact model, wherein the fundamental accentuation lay on the
nature of the actual sound and on its laws and consequences for individuals. Melodic suggestions like
disposition, division of the tone, changes in the establishments of hypothetical music, numerical primary
changes in hypotheses of proportion and subsequently the development of the possibility of irrationals
and number continuum in hypothetical music settings will be considered here to comprehend the base
of such an adjustment in the origination of western music.



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Copyright (c) 2021 Oscar Jo Ão Abdounur


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