Cultural Changes In Uzbek Ceremonial Cuisine

Section: Articles Published Date: 2021-11-18 Pages: 196-200 Conference Proceedings Volume: SCIENCE, EDUCATION, INNOVATION IN THE MODERN WORLD


  • Muattar Vakhidova Master's student Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Tashkent, Uzbekistan


In this article, one of the components of the material culture of Uzbekistan is mentioned about the transformation of dishes, and a wide Place is allocated for the study of dishes prepared in ceremonies, which form the basis of the national values of the people. The process of globalisation and the socio-economic development of aholi, which is taking place today, have influenced the composition and types of ceremonial dishes, and it is appropriate to analyze these processes as a continuation of cultural transformation.


Material culture, ceremonies, traditionurf-odatlar, uzbek population, meal,, holvetar, mavrud, novvot tea, mourning ceremonies, qurbanlik