Effect Of Moisture Contenent In The Process Of Storing, Drying And Cleaning The Seed Cotton
Since 1972, there has been a steady increase in the use of Garam for storing harvested cotton. By 1992, more than half of Republic of Uzbekiston. Cotton crop was stored in Garams before ginning. A cotton Garam is a freestanding stack of cotton; the stack is produced by dumping harvested material into a form known as a Garam builder. A Garam is made of workforce in Cotton factory Several variables affect seed and fiber quality during seed cotton storage. Moisture content is the most important. Other variables include length of storage, amount of high-moisture foreign matter, variation in moisture content throughout the stored mass, initial temperature of the seed cotton, temperature of the seed cotton during storage, weather factors during storage (temperature, relative humidity, rainfall), and protection of the cotton from rain and wet ground.
Garam,, Lint quality, seed cotton—fiber, seed—hygroscopic, Dry cottonHow to Cite
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Copyright (c) 2021 Yoldashev Khasanboy, Maftuna Inamova, Mansur Qobilov, Abrorbek Abduxaliqov

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