

How to Cite

Mukhiddinov A.I., & Djuraev J.A. (2024). MAXILLARY SINUS CYST: REVIEW OF LITERATURE. International Scientific and Current Research Conferences, 1(01), 115–117. Retrieved from


Maxillary sinus cysts (MSCs) are a common finding during X-ray examinations of the paranasal sinuses (PSC). They make up from 89.5 to 92.7% of all cysts localized in the SNP [1–3]. The frequency of detection of intracranial cysts depends on the imaging method and varies widely - from 1.4 to 35.6% [1], on average, intracranial cysts are detected in 21.6% of those examined [4, 5]. The most informative methods for detecting SNP cysts are computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which detect them with approximately the same accuracy [6].



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Copyright (c) 2024 Mukhiddinov A.I., Djuraev J.A.


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