This article deals with the most effective approach to improve teaching and learning outcomes is through advanced pedagogy. Globally, various cutting-edge teaching techniques are presently in use. E-learning is incorporated into hybrid teaching in addition to traditional face-to-face instruction. The use of creative teaching and learning techniques is essential if we want to inspire and cultivate a love of learning in students. The purpose of education is to make sure that while academic staff members are teaching, what they are teaching is also understandable to students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and that they quickly become familiar with the expected standards. In order to ensure that the learning process for the students is as free-flowing as possible and that the approach they choose is beneficial to learning, lecturers should devote themselves to using creative methods. Short lectures, simulations, role-playing, portfolio development, and problem-based learning (PBL) are just a few of the cutting-edge teaching and learning techniques that can be used to address the accelerating technological advancements and changing workplaces of the near future.
Innovative teaching and learning, short -lectures, role-playHow to Cite
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Milliy istiqlol g‘oyasini shakllantirishda tashkiliy-uslubiy yondoshuvlar. - T.: Akademiya, 2020
Panfilova A.P. Innovatsion pedagogik texnologiyalar: Faol o'rganish: Oliy o'quv yurtlari talabalari uchun darslik / A.P. Panfilov. - M., Akademiya, 2009 y.
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