Inclusive education involves the right to education for all students. The values associated with inclusion have links to interactionist ideology and revolve around fellowship, participation, democratization, benefit, equal access, quality, equity and justice. Inclusion involves fellowship and participation in school culture and curricula for all students (Booth 1996). Since the Salamanca Statement in 1994, most European countries have acknowledged that inclusive education is an important premise to secure equal educational rights for all persons with varied special educational needs. Co-education of children with different needs is a real way to instill tolerance in modern schoolchildren, to develop their moral values and knowledge about what feasible participation they can take in life and destiny those children who, due to their characteristics, have a more difficult life than others. This idea is wonderful, but admitting children with disabilities into “regular” classes developmental features “just like that”, unfortunately, without any additional effort, it does not work out. Many children demand a very special approach - accompanying their educational activities, as well as a specially created educational environment. Providing support required enormous efforts from specialists at all levels of the educational vertical. Despite this, today, inclusive education remains a very problematic area. Inclusion is determined by the need to solve problems such as: humanization of education in Uzbekistan, development of tolerance in society, realization of the right of children, adolescents and youth with special needs to education, increasing social activity and status of families with a child with special needs, introduction of modern educational practices.
Despite this, today, inclusive education remains a very problematic areaHow to Cite
Towards a general education system for the development of inclusive education making structural changes;
The work of the institution’s staff to implement inclusive education carry out reforms in their duties;
Creating correctional method and individual curriculum, programs, etc.
individually in accordance with the personal characteristics of the disabled child.
4.Using factors in conjunction with the surrounding community for different types of teaching.
Creating conditions for children’s learning and learning effectiveness increase;
Educational needs of children with disabilities develop policies appropriate for meetings;
Children live and work alongside children of all ages. They need to learn and grow up in the same conditions;
Solving the problem of the number of students in the class;
Education system for disabled children for parents, creation of inclusive textbooks on the education system;
Establishing a holistic connection between the school and the families of children with disabilities;
Supply transport issues for disabled children to school;
Give better implementation of diagnostics in remote villages;
Increasing the legal knowledge of parents of disabled children;
Copyright (c) 2023 Pardayeva Munira Yusufovna
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